• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 7744867)
  • 23



Gene Name UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 1 transferrin receptor
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 6 interactors: CDK11A LALBA TFRC TUBA1A TUBA4A TUBB 11 interactors: ACAP1 B4GALT1 CD247 CD4 GABARAP HFE RAB5B RAB8A RANBP9 SGTA TF
Entrez ID 2683 7037
HPRD ID 00659 01812
Ensembl ID ENSG00000086062 ENSG00000072274
Uniprot IDs P15291 A8K6Q8 P02786
PDB IDs 2AE7 2AEC 2AES 2AGD 2AH9 2FY7 2FYA 2FYB 3EE5 4EE3 4EE4 4EE5 4EEA 4EEG 4EEM 4EEO 4L41 1CX8 1DE4 1SUV 2NSU 3KAS 3S9L 3S9M 3S9N
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Tagcloud ?
acetylglucosaminyltransferase  amidase  antennae  asparagine  atp6v0a2  cdg  cdgs  cog7  documents  fucose  fucosylation  galactosyltransferase  glucosaminyl  glycan  glycans  isofocusing  mannosyl  mgat2  n4  permethylated  pngase  sialidase  slc35c1  transporting  triantennary  underglycosylation  undersialylation  unsolved  v0 
actb  assessments  bestkeeper  brca1  colon  ercc1  esophageal  gapdh  gastrointestinal  genorm  gusb  normalized  normfinder  optimal  personalized  qrt  ranking  rectal  reference  represented  rplpo  rrm1  separately  stmn1  taqman  top2a  tubb3  tyms  vegfr2 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
acetylglucosaminyltransferase  amidase  antennae  asparagine  atp6v0a2  cdg  cdgs  cog7  documents  fucose  fucosylation  galactosyltransferase  glucosaminyl  glycan  glycans  isofocusing  mannosyl  mgat2  n4  permethylated  pngase  sialidase  slc35c1  transporting  triantennary  underglycosylation  undersialylation  unsolved  v0 
actb  assessments  bestkeeper  brca1  colon  ercc1  esophageal  gapdh  gastrointestinal  genorm  gusb  normalized  normfinder  optimal  personalized  qrt  ranking  rectal  reference  represented  rplpo  rrm1  separately  stmn1  taqman  top2a  tubb3  tyms  vegfr2 
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