PRPF8 and PRPF19

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 22365833)
  • 132
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (biochemical, affinity chromatography technology, two hybrid, affinity chromatography technology)



Description pre-mRNA processing factor 8 pre-mRNA processing factor 19
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 14 interacting genes: ABCA1 DHX9 ERG GPKOW HNRNPH2 NEDD4 PIN1 PRPF19 SERPINB2 SND1 SNRNP200 UBC UBE2I ZNF830 14 interacting genes: DDX42 DNTT EGLN3 ESR1 EXOC7 GSTK1 HSPB1 POLR2A PRCC PRPF8 PSMB4 RPA3 U2AF1 UBE2D3
Entrez ID 10594 27339
HPRD ID 06295 12214
Ensembl ID ENSG00000174231 ENSG00000110107
Uniprot IDs Q6P2Q9 Q9UMS4
PDB IDs 3E9L 3ENB 3JCR 3LRU 4JK7 4JK8 4JK9 4JKA 4JKB 4JKC 4JKD 4JKE 4JKF 4JKG 4JKH 4KIT 5MQF 5O9Z 5XJC 5YZG 5Z56 5Z57 5Z58 6AH0 6AHD 6FF4 6FF7 6ICZ 6ID0 6ID1 6QDV 6QW6 6QX9 4LG8 5MQF 5XJC 5YZG 5Z56 5Z57 6FF7 6ICZ 6ID0 6ID1 6QDV
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