• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12842904)
  • 8
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro, in vivo)



Gene Name histone cluster 1, H3c anti-silencing function 1B histone chaperone
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 8 interactors: ASF1A ASF1B CBX1 CENPA DAXX PHF1 TRIM24 UHRF1 14 interactors: ASF1A C15orf41 CHAF1A CHAF1B H3F3A HCFC1 HIRA HIST1H3C HIST1H3E HIST1H4F HIST4H4 TAF1 TLK1 TLK2
Entrez ID 8352 55723
HPRD ID 11906 16460
Ensembl ID ENSG00000196532 ENSG00000105011
Uniprot IDs P68431 Q9NVP2
PDB IDs 1CS9 1CT6 1Q3L 2B2T 2B2U 2B2V 2B2W 2C1J 2C1N 2CV5 2KWJ 2KWK 2L75 2LBM 2M0O 2RI7 2UXN 3A1B 3AFA 3AVR 3AYW 3AZE 3AZF 3AZG 3AZH 3AZI 3AZJ 3AZK 3AZL 3AZM 3AZN 3B95 3KMT 3KQI 3LQI 3LQJ 3O34 3O35 3O37 3RIG 3RIY 3U4S 3U5N 3U5O 3U5P 3UEE 3UEF 3UIG 3UII 3UIK 3V43 3W96 3W97 3W98 3W99 3ZG6 3ZVY 4A0J 4A0N 4A7J 4BD3 4F4U 4F56 4FWF 4HON 4I51
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
aid  avenue  caf  cenp  centromeric  chaperones  clustering  dataset  decisions  discriminate  distinguish  exploit  guide  hierarchical  hjurp  implicating  ki67  luminal  offers  outperforming  p150  p60  regulators  substratification  tools  transcriptome  unfavorable  unsupervised  utilized 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
aid  avenue  caf  cenp  centromeric  chaperones  clustering  dataset  decisions  discriminate  distinguish  exploit  guide  hierarchical  hjurp  implicating  ki67  luminal  offers  outperforming  p150  p60  regulators  substratification  tools  transcriptome  unfavorable  unsupervised  utilized 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?