CCL13 and CCR3

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12149192)
  • 92
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 13 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 3
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 8 interactors: ACKR2 ACKR4 APP CCR3 CCR5 HNRNPH3 MMP1 MMP3 19 interactors: CCL11 CCL13 CCL14 CCL15 CCL2 CCL24 CCL26 CCL28 CCL3 CCL3L1 CCL4 CCL5 CCL7 CCL8 CXCL10 CXCL11 CXCL9 FGR HCK
Entrez ID 6357 1232
HPRD ID 03230 03167
Ensembl ID ENSG00000181374 ENSG00000183625
Uniprot IDs Q99616 P51677 Q8TDP4 Q8TDP5
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
3b  amylin  bead  bmi  ccl19  ccl2  correction  cxcl10  cxcl12  cxcl5  cxcl6  draw  ena  epidemiologic  examining  fdr  gcp2  inactivity  mcp  mip  multiplex  nested  obesity  ors  sdf  stnfrii  topic  twelve  vigorous 
basophil  basophils  c5a  ccr2  chains  chemoattractant  chemotactic  continuous  continuously  cxcr1  cxcr2  eotaxin  express  fmlp  formyl  granulocyte  hardly  leu  leukotrienes  lt  ltc4  macrophage  mcp  mcp1  mediate  migratory  phe  unrelated  weakly 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
3b  amylin  bead  bmi  ccl19  ccl2  correction  cxcl10  cxcl12  cxcl5  cxcl6  draw  ena  epidemiologic  examining  fdr  gcp2  inactivity  mip  multiplex  nested  obesity  ors  sdf  stnfrii  topic  twelve  vigorous 
basophil  basophils  c5a  ccr2  chains  chemoattractant  chemotactic  continuous  continuously  cxcr1  cxcr2  eotaxin  express  fmlp  formyl  granulocyte  hardly  leu  leukotrienes  lt  ltc4  macrophage  mcp1  mediate  migratory  phe  unrelated  weakly 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?