• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12609505)
  • 2
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name acetylcholinesterase (Yt blood group) collagen-like tail subunit (single strand of homotrimer) of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 9 interactors: APP COL1A1 COL4A1 COLQ EIF2D HAND1 LAMA1 LAMB1 PRIMA1 3 interactors: ACHE BCHE MUSK
Entrez ID 43 8292
HPRD ID 00010 04328
Ensembl ID ENSG00000087085 ENSG00000206561
Uniprot IDs P22303 Q9Y215
PDB IDs 1B41 1F8U 1PUV 1PUW 1VZJ 2CLJ 2X8B 3LII 4BDT 4EY4 4EY5 4EY6 4EY7 4EY8 1VZJ
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
acetylcholinesterase  amphetamine  atropine  bring  ceb  diazepam  drl  irreversible  ld50  mecamylamine  methylatropine  modafinil  muscarinic  opc  organophosphorus  oximes  physostigmine  pralidoxime  psychotropic  pyridostigmine  pyrimidoxime  reinforcement  responding  sarin  schedule  scopolamine  soman  subtoxic  wakening 
accomplished  acetylcholinesterase  ache  ageing  aldohexose  bche  butyrylcholinesterase  characterised  cholinergic  cholinesterase  d2m  dibucaine  hand1  hyper  medicinal  mega  modeled  ngf  nlgn2  ortho  pathwaylinker  perceptive  phosphomotifs  retinol  string  trigliceridaemia  unravelling  upgma  usinf 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
amphetamine  atropine  bring  ceb  diazepam  drl  irreversible  ld50  mecamylamine  methylatropine  modafinil  muscarinic  opc  organophosphorus  oximes  physostigmine  pralidoxime  psychotropic  pyridostigmine  pyrimidoxime  reinforcement  responding  sarin  schedule  scopolamine  soman  subtoxic  wakening 
accomplished  ageing  aldohexose  bche  butyrylcholinesterase  characterised  cholinergic  cholinesterase  d2m  dibucaine  hand1  hyper  medicinal  mega  modeled  ngf  nlgn2  ortho  pathwaylinker  perceptive  phosphomotifs  retinol  string  trigliceridaemia  unravelling  upgma  usinf 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?
acetylcholinesterase  ache