HTR1A and S1PR3

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11854302)
  • 10
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (affinity chromatography technology)
  • HPRD (in vitro, in vivo)



Gene Name 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Response to statin therapy (LDL-C) ( 22331829)
Protein-Protein Interactions 7 interactors: GABBR2 GNAI3 GPR26 HTR1B HTR1D S1PR1 S1PR3 4 interactors: GNA13 GNAI1 GNAQ HTR1A
Entrez ID 3350 1903
HPRD ID 00190 03572
Ensembl ID ENSG00000213694
Uniprot IDs A8K5W4 P08908 Q5ZGX3 Q99500
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
analysing  asynchronous  chrna5  chrna7  circuit  clamp  develops  earliest  ergic  grik1  grin2a  htr1b  innervation  kcc2  lmc  locomotor  medial  muscarinic  neuromuscular  neurotransmitter  nicotinic  ordered  organised  patch  patterned  recordings  subtly  synchronous  transmitter 
acetyl  albumin  alleviates  ao  bsa  circulation  equivalent  excretion  fty720  glucosaminidase  gradually  immunomodulatory  infiltration  ip  killed  mcp  monocytes  nephrectomy  nephropathy  overload  reached  s1pr1  saline  sphingosine  sphk1  synthesizing  tubulointerstitium  wistar 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
analysing  asynchronous  chrna5  chrna7  circuit  clamp  develops  earliest  ergic  grik1  grin2a  htr1b  innervation  kcc2  lmc  locomotor  medial  muscarinic  neuromuscular  neurotransmitter  nicotinic  ordered  organised  patch  patterned  recordings  subtly  synchronous  transmitter 
acetyl  albumin  alleviates  ao  bsa  circulation  equivalent  excretion  fty720  glucosaminidase  gradually  immunomodulatory  infiltration  ip  killed  mcp  monocytes  nephrectomy  nephropathy  overload  reached  s1pr1  saline  sphingosine  sphk1  synthesizing  tubulointerstitium  wistar 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?