GALNT10 and MUC7

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12417297)
  • 11
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10 mucin 7, secreted
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 2 interactors: MUC1 MUC7 7 interactors: AMY1A GALNT10 GALNT12 GALNT14 HTN3 LTF SELL
Entrez ID 55568 4589
HPRD ID 12157 11759
Ensembl ID ENSG00000164574 ENSG00000171195
Uniprot IDs Q86SR1 Q8TAX7
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
arid1a  atlas  backgroundover  bayesian  built  c19orf53  causal  col5a2  conclusionsthe  correspond  cskn2a1  graph  graphical  hub  integrative  logit  ovarian  overlooking  probabilistic  psg11  quantify  resultswe  seed  selector  shed  stepwise  suppressors  tcga  tremendous 
agglutinin  aided  anhydrase  azu  azurocidin  belonged  ca6  carbonic  caries  cold  dental  differential  dodecyl  electrospray  esi  filter  foundation  lactotransferrin  lay  ltf  metalloproteinase  mmp9  mucin  polyacrylamide  polypeptide  proteome  salivary  sampled  thecaries 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
arid1a  atlas  backgroundover  bayesian  built  c19orf53  causal  col5a2  conclusionsthe  correspond  cskn2a1  graph  graphical  hub  integrative  logit  ovarian  overlooking  probabilistic  psg11  quantify  resultswe  seed  selector  shed  stepwise  suppressors  tcga  tremendous 
agglutinin  aided  anhydrase  azu  azurocidin  belonged  ca6  carbonic  caries  cold  dental  differential  dodecyl  electrospray  esi  filter  foundation  lactotransferrin  lay  ltf  metalloproteinase  mmp9  mucin  polyacrylamide  polypeptide  proteome  salivary  sampled  thecaries 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?