- HDL cholesterol levels ( 32203549)
- Hemoglobin ( 32888494)
- Lung function (FEV1) ( 30061609)
- Malaria ( 31844061)
- Midgestational cytokine/chemokine levels (maternal genetic effect) ( 30134952)
- Panic disorder ( 31712720)
- Red cell distribution width ( 32888494)
- Response to cognitive-behavioural therapy in anxiety disorder ( 26989097)
- Alanine aminotransferase levels ( 33547301)
- Autism spectrum disorder or schizophrenia ( 28540026)
- Liver enzyme levels (alanine transaminase) ( 33972514)
- Platelet distribution width ( 32888494)
- Proximal colorectal cancer ( 33632709)
- Schizophrenia ( 28991256)
- Subjective response to lithium treatment ( 26503763)