• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15840657)
  • 11
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro, two hybrid, in vivo)



Gene Name solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE7, cation proton antiporter 7), member 7 secretory carrier membrane protein 2
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 3 interactors: SCAMP1 SCAMP2 SCAMP5 5 interactors: ARIH2 SCAMP1 SLC9A7 SNAP23 ST3GAL3
Entrez ID 84679 10066
HPRD ID 02297 06073
Ensembl ID
Uniprot IDs Q96T83 O15127
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more
Tagcloud ?
araf1  chst7  clarifies  clonally  dxs8026  elk1  ine1  kiaa0215  microsatellites  nonsyndromic  pctk1  pseudogenes  rbm10  regucalcin  rgn  rp2  stss  sulfotransferase  syn1  timp1  ube1  uhx1  unigene  xlmr  xp  xp11  yac  zincfinger  znf157 
abscission  actin  analyse  bridge  characterize  connecting  coordinated  cytokinesis  cytoskeleton  daughter  deliver  endosome  endosomes  escrt  escrts  final  fip3  framework  icb  ingression  intercellular  mediating  narrows  p50rhogap  recycling  scission  severing  spatiotemporal  telophase 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
araf1  chst7  clarifies  clonally  dxs8026  elk1  ine1  kiaa0215  microsatellites  nonsyndromic  pctk1  pseudogenes  rbm10  regucalcin  rgn  rp2  stss  sulfotransferase  syn1  timp1  ube1  uhx1  unigene  xlmr  xp  xp11  yac  zincfinger  znf157 
abscission  actin  analyse  bridge  characterize  connecting  coordinated  cytokinesis  cytoskeleton  daughter  deliver  endosome  endosomes  escrt  escrts  final  fip3  framework  icb  ingression  intercellular  mediating  narrows  p50rhogap  recycling  scission  severing  spatiotemporal  telophase 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?