HSD3B7 and ICAM1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 21988832)
  • 75
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Description hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 7 intercellular adhesion molecule 1
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 11 interacting genes: DAPP1 ICAM1 KRTAP10-1 KRTAP10-3 KRTAP10-7 KRTAP10-8 KRTAP10-9 KRTAP4-2 NOTCH2NLA PYGL SPRY2 12 interacting genes: EGFR EZR FGG HSD3B7 IL2RA IL2RG ITGAL ITGAM ITGB2 MSN SLC3A2 SPN
Entrez ID 80270 3383
HPRD ID 09680 00996
Ensembl ID ENSG00000099377 ENSG00000090339
Uniprot IDs Q9H2F3 A0A384MEK5 P05362
PDB IDs 1D3E 1D3I 1D3L 1IAM 1IC1 1IJ4 1MQ8 1P53 1Z7Z 2OZ4 3TCX 5MZA 6EIT 6S8U
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?