BCL2L11 and MEX3D

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 14769789)
  • 21
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (two hybrid, in vitro)



Description BCL2 like 11 mex-3 RNA binding family member D
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 26 interacting genes: AKT1 APP ATP6V1G1 AURKB BCL2 BCL2A1 BCL2L1 BCL2L2 BTK DYNLL1 DYNLL2 FEM1C FGL1 GTF2I MAGEA11 MAPK10 MAPK8 MAPK9 MCL1 MEX3D RACK1 RIOK3 SMARCB1 TRIM2 VDAC1 YWHAB 3 interacting genes: BCL2 BCL2L11 LINC00839
Entrez ID 10018 399664
HPRD ID 04828 15254
Ensembl ID ENSG00000153094 ENSG00000181588
Uniprot IDs A0A0A0MRE7 A0A0C4DH20 O43521 Q86XN8
PDB IDs 1F95 2K7W 2NL9 2V6Q 2VM6 2WH6 2YQ6 2YQ7 3D7V 3FDL 3IO8 3IO9 3KJ0 3KJ1 3KJ2 4A1U 4A1W 4B4S 4D2M 4QVF 4UF3 4YJ4 4ZIE 4ZIF 4ZIH 5AGW 5AGX 5C3G 5VWV 5VWW 5VWX 5VWY 5VWZ 5VX0 5VX2 5VX3 5WOS 6QFI 6RJP 2DGR
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