Description regulator of G protein signaling 6
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sporadic) ( 24529757)
  • anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, or Tourette syndrome (pleiotropy) ( 31835028)
  • antipsychotic drug dosage in schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder ( 26821981)
  • Autism spectrum disorder or schizophrenia ( 28540026)
  • Bone mineral density (hip) ( 30172743)
  • C-reactive protein levels ( 30388399 21300955)
  • Cognitive ability, years of educational attainment or schizophrenia (pleiotropy) ( 31374203)
  • Cutaneous psoriasis ( 26626624)
  • Economic and political preferences (environmentalism) ( 22566634)
  • General risk tolerance (MTAG) ( 30643258)
  • Heart rate ( 28610988)
  • Heart rate increase in response to exercise ( 29497042)
  • Heart rate response to exercise ( 29769521)
  • Heart rate response to recovery post exercise ( 29769521)
  • Heart rate response to recovery post exercise (30 sec) ( 29497042)
  • Heart rate response to recovery post exercise (40 sec) ( 29497042)
  • Heart rate response to recovery post exercise (50 sec) ( 29497042)
  • Heart rate variability traits (RMSSD) ( 28613276)
  • Heart rate variability traits (SDNN) ( 28613276)
  • Intracranial aneurysm ( 29531279)
  • Neuroticism ( 29255261)
  • Night sleep phenotypes ( 27126917)
  • Obesity (extreme) ( 21935397)
  • Plasma anti-thyroglobulin and anti-thyroid peroxidase levels (bivariate analysis) ( 29678681)
  • Plasma anti-thyroglobulin levels ( 29678681)
  • Resting heart rate ( 29769521 27798624)
  • Schizophrenia ( 28991256 25056061 29483656 30285260)
  • Small cell lung carcinoma ( 28604730)
  • Smoking cessation ( 20811658)
  • Systolic blood pressure ( 30224653 30578418)
  • Transverse temporal cortex volume ( 31530798)
  • Yang-deficiency constitution ( 25533513)
Interacting Genes 4 interacting genes: DMAP1 DNMT1 GNB5 STMN2
Entrez ID 9628
HPRD ID 04871
Ensembl ID ENSG00000182732
Uniprot IDs B7Z2A0 B7Z2N1 P49758 Q2M3K2
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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